Little Kaitlin

Like most creatives, little Kaitlin had a big dream of making and selling her own drawings. I had an endless box of pens and pencils, and with my furry sidekicks (Cassie and Tessie), I had the best adventures to capture on paper.

As well as growing up with golden companions, my best friend was a Chad Valley Chocolate Moose toy that I called Moosie. Moosie still guards my big girl bed, and so naturally influenced my small business name, Studio Moosie!

In my small business era

Studio Moosie came about in January 2024 after my partner bought me a fancy ink printer for Christmas. I was in my third year of uni, studying illustration, and started designing prints and cards, getting ready for my first market! It was super successful and gave me a very big confidence boost!

In June 2024 I graduated from the University of Gloucestershire and have since been working on Studio Moosie. I book myself into lots of markets and keep trying to master the art of becoming 'viral on tiktok '. 👩🏻‍🎓

Studio Moosie HQ

Studio Moosie has a big team behind it, twenty four legs in total! They are all quite insistent that they feature in my designs and are constantly battling for employee of the month (it's usually Molly).

I pride myself on the fact that all of my products so far are made in house. This means they are all quite quirky and sometimes might be a little wobbly (in a good way). In August 2024, I took my first wholesale order of 48 cards! Studio Moosie HQ deserves a big Christmas party this year! 🎅🏻🎄